He is the hero who stands beside you always

Have you ever noticed him during any occasions

Fulfilling your demand while isolating his own ones?

Just take a second and look at his eyes

You will face a fellow, believes in the hope of light.

The nights till now you have been sleeping without any fear

The credit, you will never know, goes to his unseen tears.

The tears that converted into a powerful resource

Leading everything smooth even at a stage of very worse.

He never demanded anything, nor he will but

Just doing his noble job selflessly that you must concede.

He is the one who always believes silently that you can

Standing beside you even when you think you have none.

#Specially dedicated to all fathers.

28 thoughts on “The Silent Soldier

  1. And so the silent soldier weeps
    As the storm of your gentle words creeps
    Through his every sinue they ring
    Some one out there his ballad they sing
    – Shraddha Khaire in praise of the poet

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